I thought maybe I'd be apt to write more now that it is summer, but I had also tricked myself into thinking I'd have the house spotless by now or that I'd write to my grandma more often, and, well, if you were my grandma or my house you'd see how that's gone. To be perfectly honest, I have never been good at documenting my life religiously even though I like the idea of it. When I was younger, I would start a new diary with the best intentions, but after several entries I would just be done with it I guess. The best effort I ever made was in college, and it wasn't even in a journal. Martin (foreign ex. student at MHS our senior year) and I wrote crazily long letters back and forth from ND to Germany, and I had the foresight to photocopy everything I wrote. A lot was going on in my life, and we generally shared everything. So I do have a good record of say 1994 - 1996. But that's about it.
Pair my lazy habits of writing about myself with the fact that I want to lay my life out for friends, but I know the audience can be anyone out there with a computer and a connection, and I get genuinely creeped out. I mean I know there are bloggers out there who are much more interesting than me (see list below, I'm not just self-depricating) and who share more than I ever would, but, mmmmmm, I dunno. You see, I'm the paranoid freak who locks the house when I take the recycling out back to the alley. Of course that's only when I am home alone. And for the record, the DQ by our house was robbed at gunpoint last year... So as much as I habitually read Heather's blog (Dooce) and Andrea's blog (superherodesigns) and they don't know me in any way, shape, or form, I am uneasy about unknown people reading mine. (Did I just admit that I am a hideous lurker? And that I am a hypocrite?)
Maybe this is just all an excuse for the fact that I doubt my wit and doubt that people do in fact read my blog in the first place.
(I guess I'm admitting that I'm insecure in some ways, too.)
Anyways, on with the real business for the day, lists. Because lists are easy, and lists don't require stunning wit!
A few of my favorite summer things:
(like the last fav. things list, not people, just things!)
Oh lovely Costco, how you are so much more desirable than Sam's Club.
Nature's Path Flax Plus Cereal (from Costco)
Vats of blueberries (from Costco)
Ecopolitan--Kim and I went on a lunch date here last Thursday.
Sommerfest/Macy's 24 Hours of Music--except for the fact that we took the city bus (and were totally proud of not driving for once) and missed getting into Orchestra Hall for the 8pm performance by the orchestra. We did see The New Standards, however, which could be a "fav things" line-item in themselves.
Ploughshare Farm--our CSA. We signed up to get a load of organic right-from-the-farm produce this summer. We are sharing it with Chris and Cindy, which gives us a good excuse to see them every week, too. Which reminds me that CHRIS and CINDY are back from Central America after living the good life there since February. Incredibly tan and looking good!
They are in Northeast right now but will be moving to south Mpls in August.
Camping--Wild River State Park. This is our regular spot, but I'd love to get back to Jay Cooke SP sometime. I think I put up some pictures last year around this time.
Kayaking--Stephen sold the old 70s speedboat that sat in our garage for two years, and we bought kayaks with the cash. Yes, the boat would have been fun, but being the non-SUV people we are, we never had a vehicle
big enough to pull the beast. The kayaks are considerably lighter...
REI--finally got a membership
Aveda Pure Privilege membership
A few of my favorite websites:
Heather B. Armstrong, full of wit I mean it
Andrea, honestly gives me hope for my creativity in the future
Another great writer who has an amazingly creative site
Loobylu and husband's creative kid sight. surely worth checking out
Ali Edwards. As much as I fight even wanting to do anything that remotely resembles (scrapbooking) I entertain the notion of doing it digitally when I look at her stuff.
Sabrina. I found her book when I was getting a divorce, forgot about it, and somehow came across her website in a completely different way. The world works in mysterious ways. Super creative and inspiring.
Have enjoyed in the last month:
A Prairie Home Companion movie
Over the Hedge--Ben Folds on the soundtrack! And please note that I didn't fall asleep during either movie... This is monumental.
Camping at Wild River
A MN Lightning game
Fireworks in downtown Mpls on the 4th.
Soccer games with Abbs
Sommerfest (see above)
Kayaking on Lake of the Isles and the St. Croix
Waterpark of America
Still to do this summer:
Canterbury Park
Music and movies in the park (Haley Bonar and Low!!)
Twins game with Marcus and family
Horseback riding at Wild River Stables
Mini golf
Thesis update:
I turned in the first three chapters of my thesis to Walter last Friday. 99 pages. Finally.
Something interesting I found this week: We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. --Joseph Campbell This is especially interesting for people like me who are planners. It reminds me that I can and should look at life in a different way more often than I do.