Oh, it's Friday, and I stayed at work way too long today. Should have been at LTF working out to keep the anxiety bugs away, but somehow my school work pulls too hard. Last week on this day, Stephen, Jeremy, and I went to Comedy Sportz in Calhoun Square. If you haven't been there before, you really need to go, and we need to go again. Two teams compete kind of Whose Line is it Anyway style. Very funny. Then we tried to find a bar in uptown, but it all seemed so meatmarkety, so we ended up at the Chatterbox. Playing Balderdash. Gotta love that game! It was my first time playing, believe it or not. It's the kind of game that English teachers really should love, so I'm good to go. What else? Sunday we took Abbey and her friend, Yana, to an apple orchard in Belle Plain. A little commercial, but we were able to bring home a pie and some honey crisps, so not a whole lotta complaining here. The beginning of this week was super stressful. I was busy trying to grade 170 essays, 7th grade "response to literature" papers. And Stephen worked non-stop with Abbey to finish a huge game board project for her reading class. Way too much time spent being busy, and cluttered, and stressed. Yesterday I had a half day because of my 6 month checkup on the eye with the retina surgery. I guess I'm healing fine. The wave in my left eye vision will get better in the next 5 - 10 years =) Yee haw. Actually, I don't care how long it takes. I can see, and that is the good thing. My retina was damaged when the fluid got in there, so I guess everything is put back together but it won't work perfectly. My vision would be really shitty if my right eye went, too, so I just hope that never happens. After the appt, I was sapped for a good long while. Dilated eyes, a hard drive home in traffic when I really couldn't see, especially through the sexy black eye screen. And my glasses aren't strong enough, but it is expensive to get new lenses... so it was a treat to be in pre-rush hour traffic.
My parents are in town this weekend. It's kind of a running joke when they come because they are here every month or so. Eight hours in the car?? I don't know how they do it, but I am always happy to see them. Means we have to clean the house again. Hmmm.
So there's nothing spectacular going on in my life right now. Didn't win the lottery. Didn't lose the 15 lbs I have been aiming to. Haven't finished the first three chapters of my thesis for grad school. Haven't even had a good girl's night out.
I think the only thing that qualifies as cool is that Stephen's sister, Tricia, had a baby boy this week. I don't mean to down play it... I just remembered after I wrote the last little bit. Jack Chester Babinski =) Up in Anchorage, AK. Poor guy! He has three older sisters to contend with. All blondies. SO actually, that is quite exciting. And our good friends Carrie and Jeff had a little boy about a month ago =)
I'll leave you with a few pictures. Figure I better post something worthwhile since I don't update daily... Have a good weekend!
Garrison Keillor street dance
Chris and Cindy
Our coonhound, Mia
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