yeah. just sitting here waiting for stephen to come home from all the aquatennial festivities. it seems like a good night to go out, but he'll most likely be bushed, which is ok because i've gone out the past two nights... so i went to get a haircut this evening, which is news because i only go to the salon twice a year tops! and since it was such an occasion, i just made the night into a mini shopping extravaganza! got myself some aveda hang straight and a "refreshing" bath bar (hope it's better than the natural deodorant i tried out!) on my way out of the parking lot i noticed that there was a lovely store called the cellars there, so a little swipe and signature later, i was walking out with the summit hefeweizen and sauza that i neeeeeeded... and then, well, you know when you pass the mall of america on a night like tonight, you might as well stop. so i made my way through bloomingdales admiring the cool french connection and free people clothes that are just a little too spendy for me, but damn i wish i could... on and out to j crew for some clearance shopping. i love the end of season sales because they happen before the end of the season, so if you happen to snag something, you still have time to enjoy it! got myself some cute little "going out" shirts that are not in the same category as "wear as a teacher" shirts. they aren't too vixenish, but it's amazing what a little strappy top will do to make a girl of 29 feel less frumpy. which can be a worry for girls of 29 you know. frumpyness. a lady's worst enemy. on and out. next i had to stop by the afternoon, which is a store that gives stephen the dry heaves. come to think of it, it does nearly the same for me. i prefer something like patina if i want to buy overpriced way cool gifts. but back to the matter at hand... the afternoon is like the only place i know of that sells the refills for our co2 wine bottle opener, which totally rocks. but we've been devoid of the cool little doodads for a while, and cork in wine isn't too hot. anyhoo, got out of there and you know, when there is an effing larger than life poster of josh duhamel hanging in the gap, you godda go in for christsakes. so i went in on the second floor, which i was on anyways, and took my sweet ol time walking down to the first floor... the image is between floors! i don't know what's wrong with me. i get all googlyeyed when i see him on screen or in print. in reality, he is too much of a pretty boy for my taste, but he IS a sight for sore eyes. any eyes for that matter. left the gap wiith two more "going out" shirts. get ready! i'm ready to hit the town now =) Then... my oh my. I was at my real destination, which happens to be the new SEPHORA store, mecca of makeup!!!!!!!! but. not so fast. just as i got to the doors, life might as well have been in slow motion as the doors swung shut right in front of my face. too close to closing time i guess, and the empire was cut off in front of my eyes. probably a good thing, because the makeup is way too cool for me to buy all the time. uh. and a little spendy. so my only alternative was to browse victoria's secret for a few minutes. i was busy admiring the super cute "pink" line when a sales clerk nabbed me into signing up for an angels card. well, i thought i was just getting a rewards card, but in less than two minutes, i was approved for a vs credit card that I DO NOT NEED =) maybe. but with it, and along with my free $10 from Origins every birthday and free something from Aveda at Southdale every birthday, i'll get a free $10 from vs. not too bad! and then my readers (all two of you) it was time to go home. alas, along the way, i managed to remember two more things i need to return to stores. 1 red Kolo photo book, and Body Shop Tea Tree oil face stuff. Didn't work for me. Too many things to return. Oh, and i forgot to mention something maybe only girls get happy about. or maybe just me. during the entire mini shopping spree, i got to walk around in the smell of hair products that aren't mine... you know, the post-new-haircut smell that mysteriously leaves once you wash your hair at home... bumble and bumble is smelling pretty sweet tonight. and with that lame statement, lamer than lame just shoot me now, i will attach the gap ad of jd. rock on, rock on.
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